Safety Blurb: New Safety Splice Sign Post System Saves Lives

April 13, 2012

Friday, April 13, 2012–

The special bolts in these sign posts reduce the impact of a car’s
full inertia in case of a collision.

Cyclists and drivers have been known to drive into sign posts as a result of drunk or distracted driving and seriously hurt themselves. Luckily, new Safety Splice Sign Post technology uses special bolts in its infrastructure that break off upon sudden impact. The sign post reduces the full force of a speeding vehicle by essentially breaking away at the “splicing” point. 360° breakaway sign posts work similarly and are often posted in traffic medians since they can be hit from all sides.

In most automobile crashes, the inertia behind a collision can be the fatal factor for passengers. Inertia can give a driver the sense that they are one with the car. In reality, a car going 50MPH just applies the same speed to its occupants – but as separate entities. This is why buckling your seatbelt is so crucial. In the event of a crash with a static object like a sign post, a passenger without a seatbelt is likely to be seriously injured because there is no force being exerted upon their inertia to slow them down.

Installing safety splice (so-called “breakaway”) sign posts decreases the force of a potential collision by making the sign more responsive to impact. Of course, distracted or drunk drivers are likely to hit more than just a traffic sign. However, if you’re the one installing a sign, you can enjoy some peace of mind knowing that you’ve done your best to lower the risk of a fatal crash. Additionally, if one of these signs does “splice,” the base remains in place, so all that needs to be replaced is the top section. This saves the hassle of digging up a post from settled dirt or cement. Get your own regular or 360° breakaway sign post at My Parking Sign today and rest a bit easier.

– R. Sapon-White

Category: News

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