HandicappedFraud.org Forum

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There should be tags for idiots.

There should be a placard (tag) for idiots to wear! Those who park in a handicap spot without a tag should be towed and fined and I think lose their license!. These are the violators, not the people LEGALLY parking with the correct tags!  It isn't anyone's business what my handicap is however  Anyone that thinks they have the right to question me about it because I don't "look handicapped" first, is an idiot that should be wearing tags to tell people so. Second, will be schooled that not  everyone's handicap has to be in a wheelchair to need that spot.  If you can't think of reasons why.  then you don't have the intelligence to question anyone about anything.




I like it when when all the handicap spaces are filled. Makes me feel easy.

They should lose access to getting a placard.  Pay a $1,000 fine and get to park in the ENTITLED spaces.  They should also have to pick up garbage for a week along the roads.  I would have no problem with the cars getting towed. 

Big fines would help... but no enforcement.

Make them famous!  Record them and send the video to us.  Check out Handicap Defenders on youtube.  Send us video via WeTransfer.com to [email protected]

First, let me start by assuming two things....  

1.  We are talking about the state of Missouri and   
2.  You are the sole occupant of the vehicle displaying an accessibility placard or plates.  

The state of Missouri has clearly defined what they consider 'Physically Disabled'.  Having that said, the ideation of the invisible disability does not exist in Missouri.  It is *estimated* that at least 30% of the placards and plates currently issued are being used fraudulently.  That is in no way dismissing that these people don't have medical issues and are suffering symptoms from those issues.  It just means they do not qualify for the accessible spaces.