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2171 S 25th E
Idaho falls
1B I5950

4 adults and one baby, (baby NOT IN A CARSEAT, being held by adult in backseat) parked in a handicapped space. All walked into store fine. Maybe one has a disability, but then a placard should have been present. No handicapped placard or sticker anywhere to be seen. I was even more upset that the baby was not not in a car seat. There was a car seat base in the car, but car seat was not there. Baby was being held in car as they parked and as they went into the store. (Target) these 4 adults would not have fit very well in the car if a car seat had been present so I’m guessing that’s why they took it out. Breaks my heart that this infant’s life was put in jeopardy. As for the handicapped parking space- If they are disabled , They need to make sure a placard is visible. Some people could have really use that spot.