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Transportation spending doesn’t fit public’s needs, study finds

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USPIRG’s study finds a misalignment between U.S. transportation spending and actual needs. From joiseyshowaa.

We may be on the cusp of 2015, but transportation policies of state and federal governments are stuck in 2005, says the U.S. Public Interest Research Group (USPIRG). In a study released by the organization in September, researchers discovered that Americans drive no more in total than they did in 2005 and no more on average than in 1997. Rapid increases in driving and congestion nationwide had been steady in the prior six decades, but USPIRG’s recent finding shows that trend has leveled off.

The organization identifies six reasons why:

But state and federal governments are focusing their transportation dollars on projects that, according to USPIRG, are outdated, nonexistent, or that have grave impacts on nearby communities, thereby undercutting any advantages they may have had initially. There are, for example, eleven highway projects estimated to cost the public a minimum of $13 billion, though their need or value is questionable. For instance, tolled express lanes planned for Route 470 in Colorado are not likely to produce net benefits for another two decades at the earliest, according to state analysts. The effort is budgeted at $153 million.

USPIRG is calling for a reevaluation of such plans, given changing transportation behaviors and traffic volumes. The group also recommends redirecting transportation funds toward the repair of existing roads and other transportation options besides highway expansion. Investing in public transit or technology that encourages motorists to avoid peak-time traffic, as well as exploring road-pricing measures and revised or new land-use policies, often reduces congestion at lower costs and greater impact. Lastly, USPIRG advocates for better research and data collection, such as revised forecasting models that account for new transportation influences, such as bikesharing, or the changing transportation and living habits of Millennials.

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