I fish in Washington state at a handicapped wheelchair only area. Just recently they paved the path to the WC fishing area and paved an area big enough for 4 HC parking spots with level wide compliant access isles. People that use actual wheelchairs that could really benefit from these spaces still park in the mud beside these spaces because the guys that have hc placards who walk down the river for miles and stand in the freezing water for hours opt to take those 4 spaces as opposed to taking the regular spaces that are always open and way closer to where they're actually going. These same guys have 4 wheel drive trucks that I can roll my chair under with out ducking my head. How do you fight this. It seems Wa issues a handicapped parking placard to anyone over age60 or that has gray hair. The other great thing about people in Wa is they think a HC placard gives them the right to pard in front of curb cuts and on access isles. If you tell them they can't or if you roll up to the car and say how can I get off the sidewalk with your car there the say they Dont know or care but they have a HC parking permit and they're not going to move.
Added By : debbiealfonso On : 1/19/2015 10:18:15 PM