I have never seen such a large gathering of physicians, judges and police officers on one website
And you people must be good....DAMN GOOD. To be able to look at someone getting out of a car and be able to determine at first glance that since they appear to be under 40 (when in actuality they are 50) and that they are not in a wheelchair that they do not have the right to be using a handicapped space, even though the laws of the state they reside in and a actual doctor said that they do have that right.
What kind of expertise do any of you have that gives you the ability to decide who should be allowed to use a handicapped space and who shouldnt?
We have been over the hidden handicapped aspect. Like it or not some people are legally handicapped and legally allowed to park in handicapped spaces even though they are lets just say 30 and not in a wheelchair. And did you ever think of this one? You see some young guy who appears to be 18 and straight out of high school zip into a handicapped space at a store or hospital with a handicapped tag on his window. You do-gooders jump into action, get pictures of his plate or even confront him. How on earth do you know that he is not there to pick up a disabled grandparent or other person in a wheelchair?
You people come from the exact same breed as the road ragers, the idiots who ride some slow drivers bumper for 10 miles while laying on the horn, then when they come to a stop light jump out and try to take matters into your own hands.
I am giving you some advice. LEAVE THIS TO THE POLICE. Unless you have some damn good hard evidence that someone you personally know is without a doubt faking using a handicapped space leave it to the professionals. You are setting yourselves up for trouble if you keep posting notes on peoples cars or as in the case i had today verbally confronting someone. I gave the idiot a break, next time i wont-regardless if it is a man or a woman there will be Hell to pay.
Added By : Radphi On : 1/1/2016 2:47:23 PM