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10 months in: New York’s Vision Zero in comparison

10 months in: New York’s Vision Zero in comparison

October 23, 2014

Numbers released by the NYPD last week count 202 traffic fatalities in New York City between January and October 17, a decrease of roughly 10% from a similar period in 2013 (January through the end of October). Predictably, the press and public—products of the city’s hurry-up, get-‘er-done-yesterday culture—are expressing impatience with Vision Zero, Mayor de […]

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Sen. Boxer (D-CA) speaks out on highway fund

Sen. Boxer (D-CA) speaks out on highway fund

October 22, 2014

Senator Barbara Boxer, Democrat of California, announced in a recent letter that salvaging the Highway Trust Fund is a major focus of her office, reports the blog Better Roads. Boxer, in a letter addressed to Congressman Dave Camp, Chairman of the House Committee on Ways and Means, and Congressman Sander Levin, reads, “Although Congress passed […]

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Should federal transport spending take job creation into account?

Should federal transport spending take job creation into account?

October 16, 2014

Even as the amount of federal funding awarded to contractors falls, there’s broad recognition that the country must invest in its transportation infrastructure. Earlier this week the Council on Foreign Relations released Transportation Infrastructure: Moving America, its report on America’s aging transportation network, while policy wonks such as former U.S. Treasury Secretary Larry Summers and former […]

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Growing pains for San Francisco’s car-sharing initiative

Growing pains for San Francisco’s car-sharing initiative

October 3, 2014

The parking-lot business is feeling the heat of San Francisco’s real estate market: private lots are being sold for new development, lowering the number of parking spaces in the city. That trend is affecting the public’s view of San Francisco’s car-sharing initiative. Announced in the spring, the program reserves 900 on-street parking spots for three […]

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Senate bill: increase localities’ control over transport budgets

Senate bill: increase localities’ control over transport budgets

September 29, 2014

A new bill would potentially give local agencies much improved access to federal transportation funding, reports Streetsblog. The bipartisan bill, introduced last week by senator Cory Booker, Democrat of New Jersey, and Roger Wicker, Republican of Mississippi, is called Innovation in Surface Transportation Act and, if passed would designate certain federal funds — long under […]

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