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Long gone are the days when parking was a free-for-all. Parking has become a highly regulated industry for many reasons: it creates major revenue for municipalities; there’s a need for equal access for the disabled, accommodations are made for cultural events like concerts or Sunday church; and parking security must be formalized to monitor unauthorized personnel in sensitive places like schools and hospitals.

But our posts about parking regulations do more than just bring you the latest. We aim to give you context, simple breakdowns complicated jargon, and answer your questions. Are you wondering about whether you need to pay for parking if you have a disabled placard? How many accessible spaces businesses must provide for disabled employees or customers? The difference between loading, standing, and stopping? Read, comment, ask.

U.S. engineering standards open door for new bike lane designs

U.S. engineering standards open door for new bike lane designs

July 29, 2014

Last month, a little-known group with a gigantic acronym — the Bicycle Technical Committee of the National Committee on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (NCUTCD-BTC) — voted to endorse a set of 11 devices that include bike boxes, contraflow bike lanes, and bike lanes through intersections. Cyclists nationwide cheered the vote because of its long-term implications. […]

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How the EU supports low-emission vehicles

How the EU supports low-emission vehicles

July 28, 2014

After the cities of York and Manchester in the UK started rewarding drivers of low-emission cars, private companies caught on. Today, a garage operator in Rotterdam, Netherlands is now giving a 40 cent/hour discount to drivers of relatively clean vehicles. The garage operator, Interlink, checks license plates of cars to ensure that they produce under 100 grams of […]

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Troubled Citi Bike station becomes political problem

Troubled Citi Bike station becomes political problem

July 9, 2014

When a construction site blocked a section of sidewalk along Kent Avenue in Brooklyn’s Williamsburg neighborhood, it spelled trouble for a Citi Bike station that also happened to be located on that same stretch. The station had to be moved and so was reinstalled a few weeks ago along a protected bike lane on South […]

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L.A. group proposes to cap parking tickets at $23

L.A. group proposes to cap parking tickets at $23

June 23, 2014 | 0 Comments

Drivers should only pay $23 when they’re issued parking tickets that don’t involve public safety, say members of the Parking Freedom Initiative (PFI), a citizens group that formed in Los Angeles to combat what it sees as abuses in the way the city enforces parking. What’s more, City Hall should create a process for involving […]

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Vision Zero looks ahead to 2024

Vision Zero looks ahead to 2024

June 11, 2014

No wonder New York’s civic leaders want to fast forward to 2024: 286 people died in traffic accidents in the city in 2013. That’s almost the number of homicide victims there in the same period. By 2024, however, that figure will be zero — or so Mayor Bill de Blasio promises through Vision Zero, his […]

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San Francisco conducts an in-depth parking census

San Francisco conducts an in-depth parking census

June 4, 2014

San Francisco has one of the largest vehicle densities in the world – about 10,000 registered vehicles per square mile, according to SF State University geography professor Jason Henderson. Still, it has a comparatively large number of publicly available parking spots, 441,950, a majority of which are on-street rather than in garages. Census findings 90% […]

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Parking enforcement divides New Hampshire town

Parking enforcement divides New Hampshire town

May 23, 2014 | 0 Comments

Chances are high that watching a meter maid tuck a ticket beneath your windshield wiper has never brought you joy. That’s the assumption made by activists in Keene, NH, where they use two-way radios to track the movements of the town’s parking officers. The band of mostly young adults stay ahead of the officials, feeding […]

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Madrid bases parking-meter prices on how much a car pollutes

Madrid bases parking-meter prices on how much a car pollutes

May 22, 2014

Cars that pollute more will pay more for parking; cars that pollute less, such as electric vehicles, will pay less, say city officials in Madrid. The two-tiered pricing system will be the first of its kind, they claim. Madrid has been pushed to such measures because it regularly ranks above the EU’s average for pollution […]

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Los Angeles mayor responds to parking-ticket accusations

Los Angeles mayor responds to parking-ticket accusations

May 14, 2014

“There are no new parking tickets being raised this year, and we don’t have a higher quota,” Eric Garcetti, mayor of Los Angeles, told the press late last month. Garcetti’s reassurances were in response to public concerns about budget items that appear to tie a proposed increase in the number of parking enforcement officers to […]

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Detroit seeks to raise parking fines

Detroit seeks to raise parking fines

March 25, 2014

Leaders of bankrupt Detroit haven’t found many ways to fill its empty coffers, but consultants hired to restructure the local government have identified at least one option that could raise an additional $6 million annually for the city: increasing its parking fines. Currently, drivers can be cited parking tickets of $20, $30, or $100, with […]

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Curbside appeal of New York City’s toniest address means parking perks

Curbside appeal of New York City’s toniest address means parking perks

March 24, 2014

Its tenants past and present—Alex Rodriguez, Elie Tahara, Denzel Washington, and Lloyd Blankfein—read like a Who’s Who of America’s recent history, tipping 15 Central Park West as New York City’s fanciest address. Its luxury offerings include a 75-foot, sky-lit lap pool and climate-controlled wine cellar priced at $80,000-plus, as well as an in-house chef ready […]

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