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Tag: Los Angeles

L.A. strives for sustainability

L.A. strives for sustainability

May 1, 2015

Smog, traffic, countless cars: Los Angeles strives to re-frame itself as a sustainable city. As Slate recently reported, L.A. has a bad rap for being environmentally-unfriendly. In early April, the governor announced California’s first mandatory restrictions on water use, and Mayor Eric Garcetti’s new sustainability “pLAn” outlines a number of goals, including removing coal from the city’s energy portfolio and […]

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Is Portland’s smart growth smarter than Los Angeles’?

Is Portland’s smart growth smarter than Los Angeles’?

January 30, 2015

A recent study contrasts Portland, long admired as an example of a smart growth city, and Los Angeles, often considered the American epitome of urban sprawl. Authors Hongwei Dong of California State University and Pengyu Zhu of Boise State University define smart growth as  “a reaction to urban sprawl” that promotes “compact urban form, orderly […]

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New York to make parking ticket payment less painful

New York to make parking ticket payment less painful

January 2, 2015

Getting a parking ticket is a pain anywhere you drive, but, in New York City, paying for it can be a particular hassle. That city’s drivers rack up between 8 to 10 million parking tickets yearly, which adds up to between $550 to $600 million in revenue. Now, reports Engadget, New York City is attempting […]

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Gov’t tracks license plates, refuses citizens access to own records

Gov’t tracks license plates, refuses citizens access to own records

October 30, 2014

Law enforcement agencies are collecting license plate data on millions of American cars. Who’s tracking your license plate? And does it matter? The answers may startle you. A compelling report by AutoBlog reveals how law enforcement is using automated license plate readers to collect data en masse, allowing them insight to millions of American drivers’ […]

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Millennials leading the way in carless commuting

Millennials leading the way in carless commuting

October 13, 2014

While baby boomers continue to drive to work en masse, recently released census data suggests that transportation-related change is afoot. Commuters, led by young workers, are moving towards carless transportation, opting increasingly for public transport and walking, reports the Brookings Institution. Census information from the 2013 American Community Survey points out the specifics: workers aged […]

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Seattle adopts demand-based parking prices

Seattle adopts demand-based parking prices

October 6, 2014

Seattle may soon join the ranks of San Francisco and Los Angeles: cities that have dynamic or time-of-day pricing for its parking network. The idea stems from Donald Shoup, a professor of urban planning at the University of California, Los Angeles. According to his research on the economics of parking, drivers won’t park at spaces […]

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Preferential parking in Los Angeles: boon or burden?

Preferential parking in Los Angeles: boon or burden?

July 3, 2014

Los Angeles: notorious for its tough parking. Does preferential parking help solve the problem or aggravate it? That depends on whether or not you have preferential parking yourself. What is preferential parking? A Preferential Parking District restricts outsiders from parking in a neighborhood. Los Angeles has about 30 of these districts. How does a district […]

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L.A. group proposes to cap parking tickets at $23

L.A. group proposes to cap parking tickets at $23

June 23, 2014 | 0 Comments

Drivers should only pay $23 when they’re issued parking tickets that don’t involve public safety, say members of the Parking Freedom Initiative (PFI), a citizens group that formed in Los Angeles to combat what it sees as abuses in the way the city enforces parking. What’s more, City Hall should create a process for involving […]

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On-street parking sensors make life easier for motorists and cities

On-street parking sensors make life easier for motorists and cities

April 2, 2014

Parking has long been a cash cow for American towns and cities, so it’s only natural that ways to make it more efficient get attention. On-street parking sensors are one way of optimizing parking, allowing cities to effectively manage limited parking spaces and bring in as much revenue as they can —  but there’s something […]

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Los Angeles pilots Bicycle-Friendly Business District

Los Angeles pilots Bicycle-Friendly Business District

March 3, 2014

Policymakers in Los Angeles are doubling down on the idea that cyclists can boost businesses and piloting the city’s first Bicycle-Friendly Business District (BFBD). Targeting northeast LA’s main streets—N. Figueroa and Colorado, York, and Eagle Rock boulevards—the BFBD will act as the foundation for a citywide program expected to begin next year or 2016. The […]

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Life’s new luxury: automated parking garages

Life’s new luxury: automated parking garages

August 9, 2013

A parking space is a precious commodity, so much so that some people are ready to spend an insane amount of money to have one. As cities become more space-starved, parking becomes more and more of a luxury experience. Take, for example, how car owners and real estate developers are investing in automated parking garages. […]

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