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Seattle adopts demand-based parking prices

Seattle adopts demand-based parking prices

October 6, 2014

Seattle may soon join the ranks of San Francisco and Los Angeles: cities that have dynamic or time-of-day pricing for its parking network. The idea stems from Donald Shoup, a professor of urban planning at the University of California, Los Angeles. According to his research on the economics of parking, drivers won’t park at spaces […]

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SeaPark, Seattle’s dynamic pricing system for parking, does more with less $

SeaPark, Seattle’s dynamic pricing system for parking, does more with less $

October 31, 2013

In 2010, the Seattle Department of Transportation introduced dynamic pricing to its parking spaces under a scheme called SeaPark. With a top spend of just $1.2 million, it has managed to achieve its goal of a 70-85 percent occupancy rate during working hours in the city’s core commercial area. Benefits of demand-responsive pricing for the public […]

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