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New Research: Your Most Bike-Friendly States, and the Scarcity of Female Commuter Cyclists

September 28, 2012 | 0 Comments

9/28/2012 — BikeGuard: The Free Bike Registry, has just released information on commuter cycling by state and gender.  Here are their key findings:

  • Washington, D.C. has the highest percentage of bike commuters,  at 3.13 percent 
  • Arkansas has a dismal .06 percent.
  • Women rarely bike to work: 74 percent of bike commuters nationally are male, in contrast to a tiny 26 percent who are female.
  • Alaska, surprisingly, allots the most funding for bike projects per capita, at $18.79.
  • Maryland allots the least, at $.45 per person.

Want more? Check out stats on your own state .


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