No Parking
Against raising the gas tax
Editorials from the Washington Post to the New York Times called for a gas tax rise last week, with Charles Krauthammer arguing that a $1 per gallon tax would mean more efficient cars – and, if offset by progressive tax breaks on low-income workers, “reduce the disincentive to work” in the form of Social Security taxes. […]
New York to make parking ticket payment less painful
Getting a parking ticket is a pain anywhere you drive, but, in New York City, paying for it can be a particular hassle. That city’s drivers rack up between 8 to 10 million parking tickets yearly, which adds up to between $550 to $600 million in revenue. Now, reports Engadget, New York City is attempting […]
Preferential parking in Los Angeles: boon or burden?
Los Angeles: notorious for its tough parking. Does preferential parking help solve the problem or aggravate it? That depends on whether or not you have preferential parking yourself. What is preferential parking? A Preferential Parking District restricts outsiders from parking in a neighborhood. Los Angeles has about 30 of these districts. How does a district […]
NYC fire hydrant earns twice minumum wage
The dome-headed, knee-height object looks like an average fire hydrant, but the water gusher on Forsyth Street in New York City’s Lower East Side is netting the city extraordinary gains: $33,118 annually, Ben Wellington estimates. The statistics professor from Pratt Institute, studying figures from NYC Open Data, suspected something was amiss when one address repeatedly […]
Curbside appeal of New York City’s toniest address means parking perks
Its tenants past and present—Alex Rodriguez, Elie Tahara, Denzel Washington, and Lloyd Blankfein—read like a Who’s Who of America’s recent history, tipping 15 Central Park West as New York City’s fanciest address. Its luxury offerings include a 75-foot, sky-lit lap pool and climate-controlled wine cellar priced at $80,000-plus, as well as an in-house chef ready […]
NYC crushes double parking with Operation Move-Along
Discovering a perfect parking spot in the city without double parking is like beating level 361 in Candy Crush. You need risk, luck, and a few extra lifetimes. Once you get up at a horrible hour, manage your commute and dodge rogue jay-walking pedestrians, then you get to find a parking spot. In some busy areas, […]
Washington, D.C., turns to Twitter to enforce its bike lanes
The nation’s capital may have edged up another notch on Bicycling’s list of top bike-friendly cities in America with its latest enforcement effort. Coming in at fourth last year, Washington, D.C., earlier this month took to Twitter in an attempt to educate drivers about the dangers of using dedicated bike lanes as parking spaces. Reggie […]
Parliament pushes parking ticket discounts for UK
Parking ticket discounts… not for paying a parking ticket, but for fighting it? The policy is in place in at least two cities in the United States (New York and Louisville), and now Members of Parliament (MPs) are proposing the same for the UK. Currently, motorists issued parking citations receive a 50 percent parking ticket discount — […]
Stork parking: do we need it, and is it fair?
Do pregnant women deserve special privileges? Some social cues – like giving up your seat to a pregnant woman – have long been expected in society. But specifically mandated rules, such as reserved parking for expectant women, have become debatable. States have varying rules and regulations. Some states like Oklahoma and Georgia are willing to […]
How curb territoriality is settled in the animal world—I mean—the city
Finding a parking spot is difficult in any city. With alternate-side parking, too many cars, and the innate need for territory, being a car-owning newcomer to a city can feel like being a kitten in a jungle. And in some cities, it’s getting worse: available parking is shrinking, law enforcement is cracking down, and population […]