Tag: bike paths

How protected bike lanes can combat discrimination

How protected bike lanes can combat discrimination

October 15, 2015

A new report from PeopleForBikes and Alliance for Biking & Walking has yielded some fascinating insights about cycling. “Building Equity: Race, ethnicity, class, and protected bike lanes: An idea book for fairer cities,” focuses on how transportation can be a great equalizer through the use of protected bike lanes. The report draws on the a […]

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Los Angeles pilots Bicycle-Friendly Business District

Los Angeles pilots Bicycle-Friendly Business District

March 3, 2014

Policymakers in Los Angeles are doubling down on the idea that cyclists can boost businesses and piloting the city’s first Bicycle-Friendly Business District (BFBD). Targeting northeast LA’s main streets—N. Figueroa and Colorado, York, and Eagle Rock boulevards—the BFBD will act as the foundation for a citywide program expected to begin next year or 2016. The […]

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