Tag: electric vehicles
How to make electric vehicles cost-effective
Battery electric vehicles, or BEVs, have the potential to play a huge role in decarbonizing transportation, but the economics still have to be worked out – consumers need strong reasons to purchase BEVs, since their range is lower than gas-powered vehicles. A recent study, What is needed for battery electric vehicles to become socially cost […]
Oregon debuts first pay-per-mile driving tax in the U.S.
OReGO, a new pilot program in Oregon, is attempting to change the way road and bridge infrastructure is funded, reports the Portland Business Journal. The Oregon Road Usage Charge will charge drivers on a per-mile basis, monitoring drivers’ use of roads, and charging a fixed fee per mile driven. Cars will be provided with mile-tracking […]
Ford calls EVs the perfect second cars
Electric vehicles may be the perfect car… second car, that is. A major barrier to using EVs is inconvenience (or, at least, perceived inconvenience): drivers face the occasional dilemma of finding alternative transportation for longer trips than their EVs can make. Electric Vehicles in Multi-Vehicle Households, a recent study from Michael A. Tamor and Miloš […]
Fee set to punish hybrid & EV owners in Wisconsin
A new proposal in Wisconsin would mean that the state would join four other states in effectively punishing electric vehicle owners in order to compensate for the revenue lost in fuel taxes, reports the Associated Press. Proposed by Governor Scott Walker’s office, the $50 yearly charge — which was included in a $750 million package […]
New laws in China to encourage electric vehicle production
China used to be a country of cyclists. Fifty years ago, cars were such a rare sight that young boys would idle at street corners in Beijing, hoping one would drive by just so they could get a whiff of the foreign scent of petrol. Today China is becoming a nation of cars, second only to […]
Austin considers protecting owners of electric vehicles
It happens regularly in Austin: owners of electric vehicles (EV) pulling up to a charging station on public property and finding it occupied by a gas guzzler. It shouldn’t be a big deal, but there are only 72 spots in the city where EV owners can charge up. “Cars that are habitually in the space, […]
Beware “charge rage” at the workplace EV station
Last fall George Betak, then an employee at Yahoo’s headquarters in Sunnyvale, CA, needed to be somewhere by 6 p.m. He planned to drive there in his BMW Active E but needed to first charge his all-electric vehicle. Problem was all of the charging stations that the company provided were occupied. Betak noticed that one […]
Man arrested for charging his EV without permission for 20 minutes
In 2010, Georgia had one of the slowest growing economies in the United States, but this year it’s racing ahead with almost 3,000 electric vehicles. That figure makes it one of the fastest growing states for electric vehicle ownership — except the Peach State doesn’t have the infrastructure for those motorists. Just ask Kaveh Kamooneh, […]
Some electric vehicle charging stations cost as much as gas
At little more than 45,000 yearly, sales of zero-emission vehicles may be woefully anemic, but the charging stations that fuel them are doing brisk business. Miami-based CarCharging Group, for instance, has acquired four companies that boast networks of high-voltage electric vehicle charging stations, totaling 13,430 in all. CEO and founder Michael Farkas believes that the […]
Electric vehicle charging stations: Too little, too late?
Early next year, those who live and work near New York City’s Washington Square Park can expect to see workers installing electric vehicle (EV) charging stations in the area. The stations won’t be as large and imposing as those of the past, though. In fact, they’re designed to blend with the urban environment: NY-based HEVO […]
UNC will charge for electric car charging stations
This fall, the University of North Carolina (UNC) in Chapel Hill will add three charging stations to power electric vehicles. However, this service probably won’t be free for users, unlike the free electric charging stations are available in other parts of Orange County. As The Herald Sun reports, UNC’s Board of Trustee’s Budget and Finance Committee […]