Tag: finance
Study: Companies near highways should pay for employees’ driving
Just how much can a highway impact the local economy? A new study, “Infrastructure and the shaping of American urban geography,” from Yonn Dierwechter and Ali Modarres aims to find out to what degree businesses benefit from their proximity to the national highway system by studying Seattle and Tacoma, Washington. Given nearly 60 years of investment […]
Funding gaps threaten transportation projects of all sizes
The struggles of the federal Highway Trust Fund continue to affect states and regions throughout the United States. The fuel taxes that power the fund haven’t increased in two decades; here’s what a few state and local governments are reporting about their transportation finance situations. Texas Despite the passage of Proposition 1, which will funnel […]
Fee set to punish hybrid & EV owners in Wisconsin
A new proposal in Wisconsin would mean that the state would join four other states in effectively punishing electric vehicle owners in order to compensate for the revenue lost in fuel taxes, reports the Associated Press. Proposed by Governor Scott Walker’s office, the $50 yearly charge — which was included in a $750 million package […]
Detroit seeks to raise parking fines
Leaders of bankrupt Detroit haven’t found many ways to fill its empty coffers, but consultants hired to restructure the local government have identified at least one option that could raise an additional $6 million annually for the city: increasing its parking fines. Currently, drivers can be cited parking tickets of $20, $30, or $100, with […]