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Tag: Google

Self-driving cars: What will 90% fewer accidents accidents do to insurers?

Self-driving cars: What will 90% fewer accidents accidents do to insurers?

March 9, 2015

Human drivers are responsible for the vast majority of car accidents. A recent McKinsey study on self-driving cars is bad news for insurance, companies, it’s good news for just about everyone else. The research firm predicts that autonomous vehicles could eliminate around 90% of all automobile accidents in the U.S., saving thousands of lives and preventing up to $190 […]

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USDOT’s grim report on transportation in 2045

USDOT’s grim report on transportation in 2045

February 6, 2015

The U.S. Department of Transportation paints a depressing picture of America’s future transportation landscape in a recent report, Beyond Traffic, Trends and Choices: 2045. The report is part of a larger Beyond Traffic initiative launched by U.S. transportation secretary Anthony Foxx and Google CEO Eric Schmidt. Some of the low-lights? >As The Stack puts it, we can […]

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Uber & the sharing economy

Uber & the sharing economy

December 18, 2014

Is there a busier job than damage control at Uber? Let’s take a quick look at Uber’s recent public relations disasters: In the middle of a hostage crisis in Sydney that ended in three deaths, the company instituted surge pricing. Even though the pricing rose automatically rather than at the behest of a rapacious executive, the […]

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KPMG study: Say goodbye to the two-car family

KPMG study: Say goodbye to the two-car family

November 24, 2014

The two-car family of American dreams is on the decline, according to a compelling study from KPMG, “Me, My Car, My Life.” The study identifies a number of the challenges and opportunities that come along with the changing automotive industry, and follows up on 2012’s “Self Driving Cars: The Next Revolution,” and last year’s “Self-Driving […]

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3 reasons self-driving cars should be the norm

3 reasons self-driving cars should be the norm

April 1, 2014 | 0 Comments

After spending your tax refund on an unexpected engine repair and driving twenty minutes in traffic just to find a parking spot that’s six blocks from your house, a self-driving car sounds pretty good. It could drop you off where you need, go park itself, and then drive back and pick you up when you’re […]

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