Tag: Parking Signs

What can I do if someone takes the parking space that I shoveled?

What can I do if someone takes the parking space that I shoveled?

December 15, 2017

For a question we’ve gotten a lot: what can you do if someone takes the parking space that you shoveled out?  Pittsburgh, for instance, is famous for its tradition of parking chairs, but it also happens elsewhere. As much as it might be good manners to not take parking spaces that someone else shoveled, there’s […]

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Don’t Turn Away from Problems of Turn Arounds in Your Private Driveway

Don’t Turn Away from Problems of Turn Arounds in Your Private Driveway

February 10, 2017

If motorists repeatedly use your private driveway to turn around on the street, don’t dismiss it as a minor annoyance. Unauthorized access to your driveway has many risks. Traffic backing up in your driveway can bump into parked cars on your property. If the driveway is a narrow one, bigger cars and trailer accessing it […]

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New York City’s parking signs get a facelift

New York City’s parking signs get a facelift

February 7, 2014

New York’s parking signage can involve a confusing tangle of Thou Shalts and Thou Shalt Nots, not to mention the perpetually confusing alternate-side parking rules. That may be the case, but at least one designer believes the new signs could be further improved. Nikki Sylianteng, a Brooklyn-based independent designer, has come up with another redesign […]

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Distance between parking signs – how far should you go?

Distance between parking signs – how far should you go?

January 6, 2012

While posting appropriate Parking or No Parking Signs on roads, in private driveways, offices, malls, business complex etc., sign installers are often faced with questions like- How many signs should be installed- How much is too much?  How far apart should two signs be erected? How tall a Parking Sign should be in order to […]

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Maximize Efficiency With Employee Parking Signs

Maximize Efficiency With Employee Parking Signs

October 6, 2011

Are you frustrated with visitors or delivery people parking in spaces that are reserved for your employees? Driving around for a long time to find a parking space is annoying and leaves the employees irritated and angry at the start of their work shift. Moreover, competing with colleagues to be the first one to grab […]

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Bicycle Signs and Markings

Bicycle Signs and Markings

September 27, 2011

Bicycle Signs need to be placed in a way that cyclists and pedestrians find it easy and safe to find their way. Bicycles are as much a part of the road as any other vehicle. But cyclists have to be extra cautious and responsible towards their own safety and of others on the road. They […]

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