New York Incentivizes Cleaner Streets With Reduced Parking Restrictions

June 20, 2012

Reduced parking restrictions in Brooklyn’s 7th district (via

June 20, 2012 — For drivers in parts of Sunset Park and Greenwood Heights, finding parking just got a bit easier. The Brooklyn Department of Transportation announced on June 15th that alternate side parking in Brooklyn’s 7th district will be suspended starting Monday, June 25th. The announcement came on the heels of the district’s community board’s petition to the Department of Sanitation for reduced parking restrictions. The DOS approved the request because the district scored a cleanliness rating of 90 or higher for two consecutive years. The community is the first to be rewarded for cleanliness after the City Council passed legislation in 2011 allowing for a reduction if a district meets a certain standard of cleanliness. Street Sweeping Sign

Brooklyn’s DOT will be removing many of these street-cleaning parking restriction signs (via

Since Brooklyn’s 7th district is so clean, street cleaning will change from twice a week to once a week. Thus, alternate-side parking restrictions will be greatly reduced. The suspension is the first of two phases for district 7 and will last for roughly six weeks until the second phase. The second phase will start July 2nd and will also include Windsor Terrace.  The 2nd phase will feature approximately 2,400 parking signs in the area, notifying drivers of the new parking regulations. During both phases, all parking signs marked with a broom symbol will be suspended until DOT resumes enforcement. The changes do not affect regular 8am-6pm parking rules or meter regulations.

No Parking This Side of Street sign for alternate side parking

Brooklyn residents won’t have to worry about alternate side parking signs like these (via

District 7’s reward for cleanliness (fewer headaches for drivers) is a perfect incentive for districts to strive for proper sanitation. Communities can motivate citizens towards cleanlier habits by spreading sanitary awareness with signs such as “do not litter” or “pick up after your pet.”

Keep Area Clean Notice from      No littering sign from

 Sanitary signs like these can motivate citizens to clean up after themselves .

– N. Gilliat

Category: News, No Parking, Regulations

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