Tag: Automobile safety

How to make teenage drivers safer

How to make teenage drivers safer

August 11, 2015

Teens are disproportionately at risk just getting behind the wheel: In the U.S., teenagers age 16 to 19 have three times the rate of fatal crashes as adult drivers. But what if there was a simple way to increase teens’ safety? There is: Recent research has shown that these kids are largely driving cars without adequate crash […]

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Self-braking cars reduce rear-end accidents by 38%

Self-braking cars reduce rear-end accidents by 38%

May 21, 2015

Self-driving cars, long hailed for their safety benefits, are on the horizon consider the Cadillac, for one). But one new study claims that just a single driver-free feature could reduce accidents by a staggering 38%. Recent research from the European road safety research organization Euro NCAP concludes that self-braking cars (which automatically hit the brakes to […]

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