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Tag: Philadelphia

Philadelphia’s bicycle infrastructure falls behind those of sister cities, report finds

Philadelphia’s bicycle infrastructure falls behind those of sister cities, report finds

December 9, 2014

Of the country’s ten most populous cities, Philadelphia has the most bike commuters and enjoys more miles of bike lanes than any other place on the East Coast. All that may soon be a thing of the past if the city fails to recommit to improving its bicycle and other traffic infrastructure, according to a […]

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Scooter parking problems in Philadelphia

Scooter parking problems in Philadelphia

October 24, 2013

Are Philadelphia’s scooter parking laws fair – and even if so, is there enough space for all the Vespas and Piaggios in the City of Brotherly Love? Recently, NBC 10 featured a story about the Philadelphia Parking Authority’s crackdown on sidewalk scooter parking. Last week, the PPA’s ticketing “pilot period” ended, resulting in $76 tickets for scooters parked […]

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Life’s new luxury: automated parking garages

Life’s new luxury: automated parking garages

August 9, 2013

A parking space is a precious commodity, so much so that some people are ready to spend an insane amount of money to have one. As cities become more space-starved, parking becomes more and more of a luxury experience. Take, for example, how car owners and real estate developers are investing in automated parking garages. […]

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