Tag: reserved parking

Preferential parking in Los Angeles: boon or burden?
Los Angeles: notorious for its tough parking. Does preferential parking help solve the problem or aggravate it? That depends on whether or not you have preferential parking yourself. What is preferential parking? A Preferential Parking District restricts outsiders from parking in a neighborhood. Los Angeles has about 30 of these districts. How does a district […]

The ugly truth behind Boston’s tradition of space savers
In Boston, there is a tradition-turned-rule that if you shovel a parking space after a blizzard, you can own it merely by placing a “space saver” there. From trash barrels, coolers, tables, grandfather clocks, shopping carts, beach chairs, potted plants, and floor waxer to traffic cones, broken microwaves and even old television sets in wooden […]

Cases of disabled parking permit abuse surface in large numbers
You can’t use a disabled parking permit unless you have a permit registered in your name for a disability. The rewards of accessible parking permits – like free parking and reserved spaces in parking lots – are so alluring that people (including city officials) flout the law routinely. A councilman in New Jersey was found using his […]

Charlotte County designates reserved parking for wounded veterans
Over forty businesses in Charlotte County now have VIP parking spaces for veterans who have been wounded in combat. The reserved parking spaces will be marked with signs that say “Combat Wounded” and a Purple Heart medal symbol. This parking program is a first for Florida. The Gasparilla Gazette reports, “Forty signs were donated by […]

Hybrid reserved parking called discriminatory in Chapel Hill
Town officials removed eight reserved parking signs (for hybrid and low-emission vehicles) in the upper lot of the Chapel Hill Public Library (in North Carolina) after residents deemed them discriminatory. Residents protested these hybrid parking signs saying that people like senior citizens, mothers with children, and others with greater needs than hybrid drivers could better […]

Charlottetown mulls reserved parking for new mothers
New mother Angela Court is pushing for downtown reserved parking spaces in Charlottetown for pregnant women and new parents. “The 30-year-old mother called up city councillor Edward Rice on Monday, from her home in the Prince Edward Island capital, suggesting the idea for the reserved parking spots.” [Source: thestar.com] “I brought it up simply because […]