Signs You Shouldn’t Ignore, Child-at-Play Edition
Seminal New Yorker cartoonist Charles Addams, famous for his long-lasting comic strip The Adams Family, inked this darkly satirical piece of traffic safety humor. A man in a car speeds along a residential street, taking time to notice a silhouetted Child at Play sign – while oblivious to the actual children crossing the street in front of him. We can certainly take a joke at SmartSign, but not all sign humor is as funny as Addams’ cartoon, with motor vehicle accidents being the leading cause of death for children ages three to fourteen. Don’t be like this debonair hotshot in his convertible. Pay attention to Child At Play signs, but only so that the graphics help you recognize – not ignore! – that there are children in the road. For more information, check out this history of Child At Play signs, and remember to be safe.
– R. Sapon-White
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