Space saver disasters from Winter Storm Jonas
There’s nothing like a snowstorm to turn adults into kids again—and by “kids” we mean irritable, entitled children fighting over handmade igloos, err, parking spaces. After Jonas ravaged the east coast last week, drivers were forced to dig out their cars—and, as in storms past, more than a few became territorial over their shovel jobs. (Things got so bad that, as the Boston Globe reported, local officials adopted the popular Facebook “Be Like Bill” meme to warn parking spot hogs. Check out the meme here.)
Browse our roundup of the most common offenders:
Parking space saver meets modern art: This cobbled-together solution, made up of boxed Dunkin Donuts coffee, a broomstick, bucket and two colorful chairs could double as a MoMA installation.
Memorial to snowstorms gone by? The standard space saver, a garbage can, takes on new meaning on a nearly snow-free street in Boston.
Beware the terrier: This guard dog, perched on an Adirondack chair, will bark your face off if you get too close to his owner’s spot.
It’s a lot harder to remove a human space saver than it is to kick a lounge chair out of the way. When an unoccupied chair won’t cut it, and defend your space in person, like this driver did:
Sacrifices had to be made: Some poor minivan (1997 Dodge Caravan, anyone?) had one of its back seats ripped out for the greater good, while a seemingly ancient toilet bowl may prove to be harder to move than most space-savers:
Follow #nosavesies for the latest updates in this winter storm’s parking space mayhem.