Tag: remzem

How curb territoriality is settled in the animal world—I mean—the city

How curb territoriality is settled in the animal world—I mean—the city

July 26, 2013

Finding a parking spot is difficult in any city. With alternate-side parking, too many cars, and the innate need for territory, being a car-owning newcomer to a city can feel like being a kitten in a jungle. And in some cities, it’s getting worse: available parking is shrinking, law enforcement is cracking down, and population […]

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5 funny bumper stickers that highlight the resilience of the human race

5 funny bumper stickers that highlight the resilience of the human race

July 19, 2013 | 0 Comments

Since the dawn of time, humans have been facing situations with boundless wit, sarcasm, and sometimes frighteningly dark humor. How else could we have survived the ice age? And we’re still doing it today, broadcasting out our sense of humor with every available avenue, including our cars. Bumper stickers provide a wonderful source of entertainment […]

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California residents look for shady parking spots this summer

California residents look for shady parking spots this summer

July 15, 2013

Soaring temperatures in Palm Springs, California are sending drivers searching for shady parking spots in Coachella Valley. Since everybody wants shady parking, these coveted spots are hard to find. Most of the area is either covered by slender palm trees (which don’t provide much shade) or with saplings that aren’t large enough to shade. Coming […]

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UNC will charge for electric car charging stations

UNC will charge for electric car charging stations

June 5, 2013

This fall, the University of North Carolina (UNC) in Chapel Hill will add three charging stations to power electric vehicles. However, this service probably won’t be free for users, unlike the free electric charging stations are available in other parts of Orange County. As The Herald Sun reports, UNC’s Board of Trustee’s Budget and Finance Committee […]

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Motorcycle parking: do you need it?

Motorcycle parking: do you need it?

May 30, 2013

Maybe. You might need motorcycle parking, depending on where your lot is, and how big it is. But it’s controversial; information on how best to account for the two-wheeled is thin on the proverbial ground. Those of us who want smaller, greener parking lots might be inclined to see a finely articulated system in which […]

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Goodbye, parking lots. Hello, parking app.

Goodbye, parking lots. Hello, parking app.

May 28, 2013

Sharking for parking: the phrase used for the repeated circling of blocks and lots filled with parked cars, with nary an empty spot for the frustrated driver who sees “NO PARKING” signs at every turn. It’s the situation Anthony Eskinazi found himself in before a Giants game in San Francisco when he searched in vain […]

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Quebec Minister criticizes relaxation of parking restrictions for Jews during Shavuot

Quebec Minister criticizes relaxation of parking restrictions for Jews during Shavuot

May 20, 2013

For almost thirty years, municipal authorities in a west-end Montreal borough Côte-des-Neiges-Notre—Dame-de-Grace have accommodated the Jewish holiday of Shauvot. During this time, they remove parking restrictions so that Jews observing the festival do not have to move their vehicles. Now, for the first time, Quebec Citizenship Minister Bernard Drainville has opposed this tradition. CBC News […]

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To stop disabled parking violations, do you aim for the wallet or conscience?

To stop disabled parking violations, do you aim for the wallet or conscience?

May 17, 2013

For many, the temptation of a disabled parking spot is too great to resist. Whether it’s borrowing a family member’s legitimate placard, using an illegally printed permit, or simply parking at the spot for “just a minute”; many will violate the law for the sake of convenience. To show how rampant disabled parking abuse has […]

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Orlando airport to spend $172M on new parking garage despite empty spots

Orlando airport to spend $172M on new parking garage despite empty spots

May 9, 2013

Orlando International Airport officials are so confident about future business that they’re building  a $172 million parking garage. What is puzzling about the project, however, is that the OIA already has thousands of open parking spots available. According to reports, the airport’s parking never sells out. The Orlando Sentinel  reports, “It is common for fewer […]

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NYC uses bike corrals to protect bikes from traffic

NYC uses bike corrals to protect bikes from traffic

May 7, 2013

In his recent project, researcher and head of Center for Transportation and Livable Systems (CTLS) Dr. Nicholas Lownes developed a model that could effectively prevent violent collisions between freight vehicles and bicycles in major urban areas. According to his findings, installation of parking area dividers between bike lanes and the main street stopped heavy vehicles […]

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Disabled parking for tourists in NYC? Fuhgeddaboudit

Disabled parking for tourists in NYC? Fuhgeddaboudit

April 22, 2013

How accessible is New York? John Robinson’s story sheds some light: John Robinson is 3’9” tall. Earlier this month, he was issued a parking ticket outside a restaurant in the Upper West Side of Manhattan. Robinson, visiting New York City as a tourist, had parked on the street since there was no disabled parking space available. […]

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