Tag: No Parking

NYC to quintuple fines for illegal street painting
Some New York City residents get aggressive about saving their parking spot, painting curbs yellow or scrawling messages like “24 Hour No Parking” in spray paint to prevent others from parking. Although street painting like this is considered illegal defacement, many still risk it, reasoning that other drivers and law enforcement officials will not realize […]

Distance between parking signs – how far should you go?
While posting appropriate Parking or No Parking Signs on roads, in private driveways, offices, malls, business complex etc., sign installers are often faced with questions like- How many signs should be installed- How much is too much? How far apart should two signs be erected? How tall a Parking Sign should be in order to […]

No Parking Signs Help in Keeping Your City Clean!
Now we are sure that Parking Signs don’t just come handy in maintaining traffic, improving safety and reducing chaos. They can also be significant in helping to keep a city clean in an efficient manner. According to NJ.com, Salem City had enforced new parking rules by installing custom parking signs to display the new no […]

Absence of No Parking Signs Create Confusion
Cities use assorted parking signs to provide information about when and how long a vehicle may park in a designated area. Parking is regulated to provide for the safe flow of traffic, providing access for handicapped persons, emergency vehicles and avoiding property damage. In usual scenario, parking on the grass, along roadways, drives, curbs, sidewalks […]