Helps Schools Crack Down on Texting and Driving
Could txting n drving b worse thn drnking n drving?
Most everyone knows that drinking while driving is extremely dangerous, but today, the safety of our roadways faces perhaps an even greater threat: texting while driving. The U.S. government has already initiated a crackdown on texting and driving under the broader banner of “distracted driving,” and now,, a leading online retailer with a long-standing commitment to public safety, has taken up the fight to keep streets safe by reducing texting and driving. is launching a giveaway of custom and stock “No Texting and Driving” signs and labels for schools, in the hopes of preventing further automobile accidents among teenagers.
Could it really be true that texting while driving is more dangerous than inebriated driving? According to Car and Driver Magazine, the answer is yes. The editors at Car and Driver magazine conducted an exhaustive study comparing the effects of texting while driving to drunkenness while driving, ultimately concluding that the reaction time of a texting driver is significantly slower than the reaction time of that same driver, while drunk.
Still, even if you don’t believe that texting could be a more dangerous in-car activity than inebriation, there is ample evidence that it is an extremely unsafe practice.
The Virginia Tech Institute of Transportation reports that the crash risk of texting while driving is 23 times greater than the accident risks of undistracted driving, and according to the National Highway and Traffic Association (NHTSA), over 5,000 “people were killed in car crashes involving driver distraction” in 2009 alone. Not surprisingly, this is an especially big issue for teenaged drivers; according to , teens are more likely to be involved in distraction-caused car crashes than any other age group, and 40% of all American teens say they have been in a car with a driver whose cell-phone usage endangered its occupants.
Clearly, texting and driving has become a serious threat to public safety, especially amongst the latest text-messaging generation of student drivers. This is why has launched their
“No Texting While Driving” sign giveaway campaign: to make the roads safer for teenagers and everyone who shares the road with them, and to lend a helping hand to schools whose budgets are already overstretched. is offering two free aluminum signs, two free label packs, or one of each — all of which can be customized with school colors, mascots, and more — to administrators and educators. Undoubtedly, this will help schools take a big step in cutting down on texting-induced car accidents.
MyParkingSign has quite a selection of signs aimed at deterring drunk driving and texting while driving at its website. The only thing missing is a few signs to help us all stop drunk-texting…
– Z. Miller
Related Resources:
Distracted Driving Safety Alliance
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